Twenty-eight eighth graders graduated from our regional school last Saturday. The school staff is so proud of them, and their parents who sacrificed so much for them. Special thanks to their teachers and especially Sister Gabriel Miriam, SC, completing her 50th year at Seton!! We have so very much for which we are grateful in our parish! Go with God’s blessing and our best wishes for success in high school: Sofia Acierno, Ashley Campise, Christopher Conte, Cameron Crane, Philip Dever, Hope Dias, Isabella DiPippo, Eric Dollard, Robert Ennis, Maxwell Erb, Joshua Finney, Grace Foltin, Camille Gordon, Mikaela Jennings, Victoria Kleinschmidt, Jade McGovern, Carmen McGuigan, Markella Neofytides, Angelina Pharmakides, Holly Quagliato, Brendan Roche, Keon Sauter, Connor Scot,t Ryan Singer, Nivethika Sujin Kumar, Bryan Tepa, Kristina Vigna, Elizabeth Zuzarte.