There will NOT BE Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve this year.
Christmas Eve Masses:
4:00 PM Family Mass in Church with Children’s Choir
“Family Mass” is a “child friendly” liturgy with a special homily in a space where the noise and movement of little ones are expected and welcomed. Procession to and blessing of the Manger. A wonderful Mass to attend with young children.
6:00 PM Bell Choir
8:00 PM Cantor
10:00 PMMass at Night/Not Midnight with Solemn Adult Choir, violin and viola
Christmas Day Masses:
7:00 AM Cantor
9:30 AM Cantor
11:00 AM Mixed Children’s and Adult Choirs with flute
12:30 PM Cantor
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Masses:
A Holy Day of Obligation
Dec. 31st Vigil:
5:30 PM
Jan. 1st:
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
12:00 PM
Eucharistic Adoration
Daily Eucharistic Adoration from 12 to 3pm will be suspended from December 17th to January 2nd.