Pope John XXIII beatifies Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton at the Vatican. Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, asks permission of His Holiness to erect the "first parish in the world named after Elizabeth Seton" at Shrub Oak.
Francis Cardinal Spellman telephones Monsignor Arthur Nugent, Professor at Cardinal Hayes High School, Bronx, from Rome, where Mother Seton has just been eatified. He names him pastor of a new parish, “Blessed Elizabeth Ann Seton,” Shrub Oak. The Church of Saint George on Route 6, Mohegan Lake, Mission of Saint Patrick Church, Yorktown Heights, will be renamed for the first native-born American saint.
June 22nd
Monsignor Nugent celebrates First Mass in what was the small, historic St. George Church--the La Farge Family Memorial Chapel. Weekend Masses were celebrated at Ladycliff Academy, which later became Franciscan High School). Chosen to be Seton Parish Foundation Day.
July 23rd
This date, theparish is incorporated as a religious corporation by the State of New York. A Rubber stamp of informal parish motto (“The Greatest Parish in the World”) is invented by Msgr. Nugent and used on all correspondence to the Chancery Office.
Six Sisters of Charity arrive, including Sr. Gabriel Miriam Obraz.
September 12th
We open our new school with 3 grades and six classes.
November 6th
Cardinal Spellman dedicates the new school and convent, on Old Route 6 (later East Main Street), Shrub Oak. Our old church is now designated Blessed Elizabeth Seton Chapel. He presents the pastor with a new bronze tabernacle and School auditorium is used for Sunday Masses.
January 4th
Terence Cardinal Cooke dedicates new church building.
November 27th
Monsignor Nugent dies.
Monsignor Edmund Fogarty, of Catholic Charities, is appointed second pastor.
Dedication of new vestibule with four Seton windows, one of which was donate by the Sisters of Charity displaying a growing tree—indicating growth of the Church in Shrub Oak, It is placed in the Holy Family (later Marian) Shrine).
Dedication of four, commissioned, abstract art stained glass sanctuary windows.
June 16th
Dedication of Monsignor Fogarty Marian Shrine -- Our Lady of Grace, on his Golden Ordination Jubilee.
August 2nd
Monsignor Fogarty dies. Cardinal John O'Connor presides at Mass of Christian Burial.
Monsignor James McCarthy, longtime secretary to Cardinal O'Connor, is appointed third pastor.
Msgr. McCarthy completed rectory and Church renovation, including new sacristy (with the two, historic John La Farge windows), commissioned stained glass sanctuary windows, sheet rocking, wall lighting, closed circuit TV system, marbleizing of sanctuary, new pulpit, electrification of historic, 1897 church bell, creation of Our Lady Memorial Chapel, etc..
We adopt a parish motto for the Bi-Millennium: “The Charity of Christ compels us towards he Third Millennium” (it would shortened and taken as parish motto in 2002).
June 29th
Bishop McCarthy is ordained auxiliary bishop of New York, and Episcopal Vicar for Northern Westchester and Putnam Counties.
March 24th
Dedication of commissioned Seton Pietá,Mary Help of Christians, in new Our Lady Memorial Chapel.
December 24th
Placement of the black marble Millennium Marker in main aisle.
June 25th
Edward Cardinal Egan conducts vicariate meeting at Seton.
March 7th
Monsignor Thomas Sandi, retired Air Force Chaplin, is appointed fourth pastor.
September 17th
Dedication of commissioned bronze bust of Elizabeth Ann Seton.
December 10th
Dedication of Saint George Portico, preserving the memory of our first church, originally named, Saint George, on Route 6.
July 2014 Father Robert Quarato arrives as the fifth Pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish.
March 2023 Rev. Msgr. Joseph R. Giandurco is appointed Administrator of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish.
July 1, 2023 Rev. Msgr. Joseph R. Giandurco is appointed as the sixth Pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish.
January 15, 2025
Rev. Fr. Joseph A. Blenkle is appointed as the seventh Pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish.
Ours is the first parish in the world dedicated to the patronage of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton.
April 21, 1968
Don Gino Franchi is named pastor of Mother Seton Church in Livorno, Italy.