(a quick link to oppose abortion expansion is at the bottom of the page)
Sharing Your Pro-Life Views is More Important Than Ever Just a few weeks ago, hundreds of thousands of us came together in defense of human life at the March for Life. Now, inspired and energized, we need to make our voices heard closer to home before pending legislation in New York further diminishes the rights of the unborn.
Today 76% of Americans support some limitations on abortion. Despite more and more states enacting sensible limitations on abortions, New York State is doing the opposite. Please review the provisions of this new abortion proposal, outlined here, reach out to your State Senator to oppose this bill (online instructions on page 2), and encourage your family and friends to do the same.
Finally, if you or anyone you know is struggling with a pregnancy, the Archdiocese of New York is here to provide support: Call 877-777-1277, text 212-203-8716, or visit
www.visitationcenterus.org. For healing after abortion, call 866-575-0075.
Thank you for your attention to this important issue. April 1 is the critical date; we must do everything we can in these next 45 days.
Public Policy Office of the Archdiocese of New York www.archny.org/public-policy
Current Status: What is at risk? On January 16, 2018, Governor Cuomo introduced his budget bill, S.7511. In the bill, he included an abortion expansion proposal. If the budget passes, virtually all limitations on abortion will be lifted. This is particularly dangerous, because the law requires a budget to be passed by
April 1.
What would this abortion expansion legislation do?
The Governor’s bill would align New York with the most liberal abortion laws in the world.
• The bill would remove our current law’s limit and allow abortions after 24 weeks. Studies show that a fetus experiences pain at 20 weeks.
• 5-10% of babies are born alive after a late-term abortion procedure, and those infants are currently protected. This bill would eliminate the law that requires that a baby born alive after an abortion be given adequate health care.
• This bill would permit non-doctors to do abortions – the state government could grant a license to perform abortions to anyone.
• The bill would eliminate all criminal penalties for abortions – so even if an abortion was against a mother’s will (involuntary or coerced), or if an unborn child is deliberately targeted for an act of violence, it could not be prosecuted.
What can we do about this? The Action Center of the New York State Catholic Conference has made it very easy for us to oppose this proposal through their website. The following steps will allow you to electronically sign your name to a pre-written letter that will route to your senator:
1. Go to:
www.nyscatholic.org 2. Search for: Abortion Expansion
3. Follow the small red link on the top left side “Take action now.”
You can also go there by typing this into your browser:
www.nyscatholic.org/nys-catholic-conference-action-center, and look for
the action that says “Oppose Abortion Expansion in State Budget!”
4. Enter your information
5. Select “Send Message”
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