1) 8AM MASS - We will maintain the 8am Sunday Mass as a quiet Mass until Religious Education classes begin in October.
2) COMMUNION - We will return to distributing Holy Communion at the usual time. There will now be 5 stations. Please come out row by row and maintain a 6ft distance from the person in front of you while on line.
3) CHAPEL - The chapel will be opened during the 11 and 12:30pm Masses on Sunday. The use of the chapel for Saturday confessions prevent opening the chapel for the Saturday afternoon Mass. We ask that the chapel be kept for families with young children only. Communion will be brought to the chapel as has been the practice.
4) FAMILY MASS – We plan to resume the Family Mass in October.
5) LITURGY OF THE WORD FOR CHILDREN – We plan to resume the Liturgy of the Word for Children in October.