On Friday, September 8th we will say farewell to Father Martin Kowalski as he returns to Poland. We have all been enriched by his presence, his celebration of the sacraments and his biblical teaching.
Thursday marks the 64th anniversary of Sister Gabriel’s final vows. We thank her for her many, many years of service and dedication to our school and parish and wish her well in her retirement.
Visit Our Lady Memorial Chapel and see above the altar two new images honoring our other patron saints: St. John the Evangelist (the first church in Shrub Oak was named in honor of him - later suppressed) and St. George (the title of our first chapel).
Religious Education is in need of hall monitors and classroom aides. If you have the time, we certainly could use you. Call us at 914-528-8553 or email at [email protected].
You may have already noticed that we have included a Booster Club envelope with our donation envelope mailing. We will continue this for each mailing. If you would like to enter the monthly drawing, fill out the envelope, include cash or check, and drop in any collection basket, or mail it to the church.
Some personal family papers were found in a very old religious book that was donated to our tag sale. The family name on these papers is "Brown" and they lived in the Scranton, PA area.
Please DO NOT leave clothing & other items in the gym except for designated times. We do not have storage space to hold these items until the next Run.
In the entrance to Our Lady Memorial Chapel, we have hung a beautiful framed tapestry of Pope Saint John Paul II, a donation to Seton from long time parishioners Joseph and Denise Zaleski.
In an effort to help the needs of the elderly poor, the Respect Life Committee will be collecting mouth wash (Listerine etc.), body wash, body lotion, Balmex, A&D Lotion, personal wipes, Tuck’s wipes, Kleenex, paper cups, paper plates, napkins before and after all Masses on August 19/20 and August 26/27 for donation to the Little Sisters of the Poor.
In the sacristy entrance of the church, we have installed a stunning image of Jesus called: Suffer the Little Children and Forbid Them Not to Come to Me by 3D Computer Graphics Artist Ray Downing.
The Religious Ed program is still in need of a two catechists. Saturday – 3rd grade, and Wednesday – 4th grade. Weekday classes meet 4:30 – 6:00PM; Saturday meets twice a month 8:30am – 11:30 AM.