Our parish youth will be assembling Easter baskets again this year for the St. Mary’s Community Food Panty, Peekskill Kiley Youth Center and Hudson Valley Community Services. Donation of baskets, wrapped candy, plastic Easter eggs, chocolate bunnies, books, coloring books, crayons, cellophane wrap, stuffed animals, small toys and fully assembled baskets are appreciated. Please leave items in the collection bin at the Religious Ed office.
The Solemnity (in the Archdiocese) of Saint Patrick has been transferred to Monday, March 18th this year to allow for the celebration of the Second Sunday of Lent on Sunday, March 17th.
In response to concerns that have been raised over the education provided at a small number of Jewish schools, the NYS Education Department is enforcing oversight of all nonpublic schools – including Catholic schools that meet and exceed the state’s academic standards.
If you were unable to attend the first intro session and still wish to become an Altar Server please come to one of the sessions Monday, March 11 at 3:30pm or 7:00pm. For more information contact Father Ries 914.528.3547.