Cardinal Dolan has assigned newly ordained Father John Joseph Figueroa to Seton as our new Parochial Vicar. Father Figueroa, 37, is a Manhattan native of Cuban-born parents.
Please be aware that neither the pastor, any of the priests, deacon, lay staff of the parish, school and/or religious education program will ever contact you by cell phone, text or email asking for you to help and to return calls or emails or visit websites.
It is extremely important that everyone observes the no parking signs in the parking lot. Remember last year, a Sunday morning car fire by the chapel resulted in two fire trucks and numerous emergency vehicles crowding the back lot. Fortunately, this occurred in-between Masses and the fire lane was free. IF THERE WERE CARS PARKED IN THE FIRE LANE, THOSE TRUCKS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO ENTER THE SITE.
Please consider becoming a part of your Parish Council! New faces and ideas help to keep the parish vibrant! According to the Parish Council constitution, four new members are required at this time. They will serve for three years and will fill vacancies left by those whose terms are ending.