Brian Engelhart, a Seton School graduate (class of 2008) and son of parishioners Jackie & Tom Engelhart, has completed his Jesuit novitiate. On August 10th, Brian will be professing his first vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in the Society of Jesus.
The 2019 Tag Sale, sponsored by the Rosary Altar Society, collected a total of $19,840.00! We thank those who brought in items, and those who purchased from us! Our E-bay collection, which is done by Noreen Donnellan, still continues to sell items from the Tag Sale with sales year-to-date of $3,177.72. These proceeds go directly to Seton Church.
The Seton “Bulldogs” parish basketball program provides an opportunity for youngsters (Grades 3 to 8) to develop their athletic skill and leadership abilities, as well as learn the benefits of competition and teamwork, in a safe and healthy environment.
During the months of July and August, The Community Food Pantry at St. Mary’s Mohegan Lake is collecting school supplies. Supplies may be dropped off at the pantry during church office hours, Tuesday through Friday between 9:30 am and 2:00 or Saturday mornings between the hours of 7:30 am and 11:00 am.
Job Description: Sun. 8am – 3pm. Extra hours possible. Job includes basic custodial work and clean up after Masses, Religious Education classes and CYO games, with set up and take down for parish events.
The feast of the Precious Blood (originally the first Sunday of July, later July 2nd) was instituted in 1849 by Pope Pius IX, but the devotion is as old as Christianity.