We are pleased to announce that Mrs.Donna Vallario is our new Coordinator of Religious Education. Mrs. Vallario has been teaching in the program for years and, more recently, has served as a special assistant to Mrs. Koshofer.
Tryouts held soon. Performing arts, singers, dancers, musicians, poets, etc. This is a great way to participate and have fun in our Parish Fall Community building event. Click for more info and registration form.
At the August 3rd Tag Sale Thank You Breakfast, Rosary Altar gave Fr Quarato a check from part of the receipts of the Tag Sale to be used towards furnishings needed for The Parish Center.
Please be aware that neither the pastor, any of the priests, deacon, lay staff of the parish, school and/or religious education program will ever contact you by cell phone, text or email asking for you to help and to return calls or emails or visit websites. Scammers are creating email addresses and false telephone accounts using the names of local religious leaders, churches and religious institutions. As a general rule, you are advised not to answer cell phone calls or texts or open emails from unidentified sources.
Bea Schiavo, Eileen McDonough and Tere McCue-Fleming are indebted to these generous parishioners who worked so tirelessly over the last month (collecting, organizing, displaying, selling) to make our annual Tag Sale such a great hit! The parish and our children shall surely benefit from the money raised, and the display of that defining Seton virtue of charity.
We will have our annual Seton Master Calendar meeting Monday, August 19th in Annex Room A at 7:30pm. Pick up a calendar at the rectory. If your group’s leader is not available for the meeting, please send a representative to make sure your dates are included in the calendar.