The 7 and 9am Masses, Friday, Oct. 20th, will be celebrated in the auditorium. / All Masses and Confessions this weekend will be in the Church. / Starting with the 7 and 9am Masses, Monday, Oct. 23rd, we will return to the auditorium. / This will continue throughout the week, until the work in the church is completed. / Updates will be posted here, as available.
The weekday Masses will continue to be held in the auditorium tomorrow, Thursday, 10/19/2023. The Thursday morning confessions at 9:30am will held at the normal place in the church. Penitents should enter the church from the front and go directly to the left. They should avoid the organ side where work will be in progress.
The 7 and 9am Masses for the next few days will be moved to the auditorium do to work being done in the church. We will also have to suspend the livestream.
We ask your patience and cooperation with regard to the appearance of our Church during the next few weeks as there will be multiple tiles removed from the ceiling in order for us to upgrade our heating/air conditioning systems in our church. Daily Masses may be moved from the church for safety’s sake and to finish the task as quickly as possible.
Vendors are needed for our annual Christmas/Crafts Fair - 2 DAY EVENT to be held on Saturday Evening, December 2nd (Sip & Shop, 6-8pm) & FAIR on Sunday, December 3rd (7:30am-3:00pm). For information and registration forms, email [email protected].
Please be aware that neither the pastor, any of the priests, deacons, lay staff of the parish and/or religious education program will ever contact you by cell phone, text or email asking for you to help and to return calls or emails or visit websites.