The Charity of Christ Compels Us... 2 Corinthians 5:14
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Faith Formation
1375 East Main Street, Shrub Oak NY 10588
914.528.8553 / Fax: 914.266.3682 E-mail [email protected]
Donna S. Vallario, Faith Formation Coordinator
Welcome REGISTRATION 2024-2025
Seton provides Faith Formation for children entering Pre K and Kindergarten in September
Level Pre K -8: Sunday 8:30am-11:30am, twice a month, includes attending 9:30am Family Mass.
Level Pre K -8: Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday 4:30pm-6pm, weekly.
Level 7-8: Wednesday Evening 6:30pm-8pm, weekly.
Special Needs Faith Formation: Sunday / Time to be determined, based upon the child’s learning needs. We want to meet them wherever they are in their journey of faith.
Intro to the Faith: Sunday for children who have not had any formal faith formation.
Teen RCIA: Thursday 6pm-8pm Sacramental Preparation for young adults.
Home School On Line: where parents assume full responsibility for the faith formation of their child in cooperation with Seton Parish, will be offered for Levels 4, 5 and 6 only.
Tuition: Before June 19 Before July 17 After July 18
One Child $250 $275 $300
Two Children $365 $390 $415
Three or More $390 $415 $440
Sacramental Fees: First Holy Communion $90. Confirmation $90.
The Charity of Christ Compels Us
Registration First Time Families
Registration Participation Fees
Registration Volunteer Form
Registration Emergency Form
Epi-Pen Form